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Writer's pictureSuel Pratt

5 What not to do's when starting a website

Why my first website failed and what you can learn from it.

1) Don't be too simple - The first website I made was simple. I thought, the simpler the better. It had the name of my business Every Holiday Ideas, an image and 6 categories to choose from. Oh wait, I did add a video of puppies because who doesn't like watching puppies play with pumpkins? It was "perfect" for the mobile because the categories are bigger but it was too simple and very much boring for both mobile and desktop. It failed. I had to delete it 2 days after it's launch! Don't be too simple.

2) Don't put too much - ok, so the first one was don't be too simple, this next one is don't put too much. That's right, too much images, too much buttons to explore, too much videos to watch and the viewers get lost. They loose track of the purpose of why they visited your site in the first place. It get's too overwhelming so they leave. Right now, this is exactly what my website is.There's too much. I'm in the process of learning myself. I think, I got to scared that the first site was too simple so now I over did it. I need to go back and simplify the site. One video per category is enough. I just have to choose the best one I think the viewers will more have fun with. Don't over do it. Don't put too much.

3) Don't just add images. Eye catching images are important to sites. It is what drives people to click and want to view more. But, we need to have content. You will not be found in google search engines if you don't have content. Personalize it. People love a good inspiring story but as per my 2nd rule of don'ts, don't do too much story. a paragraph is enough. Get your advertiser hat on and think what words would I be attracted with and what words would drive me away. Use quotes, poems, facts, etc. There are endless resources out there so don't be afraid to research. You can do it. I'm not a writer. English is actually my second language. But, we have to try. We cannot be stopped by what we're not but what we could possibly become. Add content to your site. Imagine yourself advertising on TV. It works for me.

4) Don't absolutely launch it unless you're 100% sure it is ready. That was my BIG, BIG, BIG rookie mistake. I was excited. I even did a video and launched it on Facebook. It was a successful launch. lot's of people viewed it and explored my site. The problem, it wasn't ready. Like I said on #1, it was boring. It only had 6 little categories to choose from. It had no content. It wasn't ready. Don't launch it unless you're positively sure that you've done all the research you can and learned from great examples out there of what to do and what not to do. Take your time. My first website took me 3 weeks to make. I thought that was good enough time. So, after the launch and hundreds did checked out the site, they didn't come back. It was boring to them because to be honest it was boring to me as well. Take your time! Launch it only when it's really ready for viewers. It might be ready for you because you've done all the hard work. But, think about your viewers. They are the ones who will decide whether they are a fan or not.

5) Don't choose creating website over family time. Making websites take time especially when you're doing it for the first time. You are learning a lot at this time and it feels like time is not enough. I have 3 kids and I homeschool them. Everyday, I have to make the decision that they are more important. I cannot miss out on fun memorable times with my kids because I'm trying to be a successful blogger or have a successful online business. Learn how to manage your time well. When exactly do I have time to learn about websites and blogging? Well, at night. My kids go to bed at 8. I shower, get coffee and get myself ready to have a long night. I had to stay till 1 am a couple times at the beginning but I stopped that because I wake up cranky and my kids suffer from it. I just do what I could do from 8 till 11. My husband get's home from work at 11 so it's perfect. I also, try to have an hour during the day when my kids have there device time. Everyday they get an 2 hours of device time. So, I usually put a load of laundry in, sweep the floor, get them snacks and then do my research and update the website. Don't miss out on your family. Choose them over your website.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading. Let's see if this website will be a success or a fail :)

Let me know what your journey in the online world is like as well. I would love to hear what worked for you. Let's learn together. Here's too learning!!!!


Suel Pratt



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